Mixer’s Points-Economy

It’s important that you maintain a consistency when assigning point-values in Mixer. Points are the listener’s currency. The way in which you assign value may change depending on your format, market, access to premiums, etc. Below are suggested guidelines.

Suggested Point Value
New Member Signup
You can configure this in Station Settings/Settings. Consider increasing during limited-time membership recruitment campaigns, especially when paired with a high-value auction item.
Song Rating
You can configure this in Station Settings/Settings. We don't recommend changing it. This should be a high-volume engagement tool.
100 - 150
For client-related surveys, consider raising the point reward to encourage participation.
Tier 1: 100 - 250
Tier 2: 250 - 750
Tier 3: 750 - 1000
Tier 4: 1000+
You may choose to author your own auction economy. When assigning point values, think in terms of actual cost of the item, scarcity (do you have a lot of it, or are you likely to have more soon?), and whether or not it is client-related.
150 - 500
This is going to vary depending on the event. Is it local? Is it ongoing over a long period of time or recurring(lower value), or is it taking place during a narrow window of time (higher value)? Is it client-related?
50 - 100
The goal is to drive logins. Offer enough to make it worthwhile, but not so many that it devalues the reasons you want them to login (participating in surveys, auctions, engaging with clients, etc)