Have a Say in What We Play!
How to Rate Songs
Send a text message to the station’s request line. In the body of the message, simply put a number, 1 - 5. Here are examples:
5 - I LOVE this song!
4 - I like it a lot.
3 - Pretty good
2 - Not feeling this one.
1 - I HATE it.
If you want to tell us more, include either a letter “M” or “L” immediately after the number. “M” means you want us to play it more, and “L” means you want us to play it less! Here are examples:
5M - I LOVE this song and want to hear it more.
3M - Pretty good, I think I want to keep hearing it.
4L - I like this song, but you play it too much.
1L - I HATE it and don’t want to hear it more.
2M - Not sure I like this song, but play it more because it might grow on me.
You don’t need a space between the number and the letter, and it’s not case-sensitive, so don’t worry about whether or not you capitalized the M or the L.
rate via desktop or laptop
Login to your member account, which will be accessible from the radio station’s website. Then, simply look for the song rating section (see image). Select the number of stars, choose “Play Less” or “Play More”, and and click Rate Song. Easy!
Rate via mobile app
Download your radio staton’s companion app. Note that the app will be named with the interactive club name, so for example, it might be called Magic 98’s Circle of Friends, or JJO Frequent Rocker.
Login, and when a song is playing, just click the Rate Song button on the nav bar near the bottom. Then select the number of stars, 1 - 5, and choose More or Less.